Getting started with CMacIonize

To get started with CMacIonize, you need to do 3 things:

  1. Download the code.
  2. Configure and compile the code.
  3. Run an example.

For this tutorial, we are going to assume that you are working on a Unix-based operating system, i.e. either Linux or Mac OSX. CMacIonize can also be run on Windows systems, but this is harder to set up and might be detailed in a future tutorial.


To obtain and compile a minimal version of CMacIonize, you will need the following software and libraries installed on your system:

On Linux systems, you should be able to install these using your package manager. On Mac OSX, you can install Xcode to obtain C/C++ compilers and you will need to install git and CMake manually. Note that git is not strictly required to get the code, but is required to properly compile the code. This is due to CMacIonize’s strict reproducibility checks that ensure all production runs use a clean version of the code.

CMacIonize supports various input and output formats, but the most commonly used format is HDF5, a binary format that is optimised for massively parallel systems and that interfaces nicely with Python through the h5py module. The code can be compiled without HDF5, but then a large number of input and output modules will not be available. It is therefore highly recommended that you install HDF5.

On Linux, you can install HDF5 using your package manager (choose the development package, e.g. libhdf5-dev or equivalent). On Mac OSX, you need to manually download, configure and compile the library from the HDF5 website. More detailed Mac OSX instructions are available in the CMacIonize README.

Obtaining the code

You can obtain CMacIonize in various ways, depending on how you want to use the code. The easiest way is to download a .zip or .tar.gz archive containing the latest stable version of the code from Unzip or untar this archive in a location of choice. We will call location/CMacIonize the root folder in what follows.

If you want a more recent version of the code, you can also clone the repository using the git command. Execute the following command from your location of choice for an anonymous download:

git clone

If you plan to contribute to the code, it is advisable to create an account on github, and then fork the repository on You can then clone the repository using

git clone<account name>/CMacIonize.git

Where <account name> is your github account name. This will allow you to keep track of your changes in your version of the online repository, and will allow you to submit pull requests to include your changes into the parent repository.

Once you have cloned the repository, you should have a folder location/CMacIonize, which we will again call the root folder.

By default, git clones the master branch of the repository. This branch contains the latest version of the code minus possible changes that are currently under development. The master branch is protected (i.e. changes to it need to be approved by a moderator and need to pass a number of automated test) and should therefore be reasonably stable. However, if you experience any problems with the master branch, it might be better to switch to one of the tagged releases, e.g.

git checkout v1.0

To list the available stable releases, use

git tag --list

It is generally not safe to use branches other than master, as they may contain untested features and will change rapidly. On top of that, their git tags are not guaranteed to persist in the repository history, making it impossible to keep track of the code version that was used for a specific simulation and hence making simulations potentially not reproducible.

Configuring the code

Once you have downloaded or cloned the code, you should have the code files present in the root folder (see above). Now you need to configure the code, i.e. tell the code which compiler and which version of the required libraries you want to use, and which specific additional features you want to activate. This is done using CMake. At the end of the configuration process, CMake will generate a Makefile that can then be used to compile the code.

To run CMake, you first need to set up a build directory. This could in principle be any folder in your system (including the root folder), but we advise you to use a sub-folder of the root folder, e.g. root/build. Once you have set up a build folder, open it on the command line, and run the following command:

cmake <path to root folder>

CMake will automatically detect the CMakeLists.txt configuration file and use it to set up the CMacIonize build environment. The output of the CMake command will tell you if something went wrong during configuration and will suggest possible solutions.

By default, CMake will use the default system compilers and libraries, but you can instruct it to use different versions. To e.g. configure your code to use the Intel compiler rather than the default GCC compiler on a Linux system, you can run

cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icc <path to root folder>

Note that you can generally not change the compiler once you have already run CMake, because CMake saves it in a local cache.

Apart from changing compiler and library versions, CMake also allows you to activate specific features in the code, or to change code optimization levels. All these features will be covered in a future advanced tutorial and should generally not be used unless you know what you are doing.


Once you successfully configured the code, the build folder will contain a Makefile. To compile the code, you can run


To compile with multiple threads in parallel, run

make -j <number of parallel threads>

This speeds up the compilation process quite significantly. Note that make does not check if your system actually has sufficient resources (most importantly: sufficient memory) to compile in parallel, so it is generally advisable to use a number of threads that is close to the number of available cores on your system.

If compilation succeeded (make will tell you if something went wrong), the CMacIonize executable will be created in build folder/rundir/.

CMacIonize ships with a large set of unit tests that check the accuracy of the code. To compile and run these, run

make check

Note that make check will by default run in parallel using all available cores on the system.

Additional make options will be detailed in a future advanced tuturial, but should generally not be used unless you know what you are doing.

Example run

At the end of the compilation process, you should have the executable build folder/rundir/CMacIonize. To start using it, you can run one of the example benchmark problems, which are automatically set up in build folder/rundir/benchmarks/ by CMake. As a first run, we suggest running the Strömgren test, which consists of a single ionising source that ionises a Strömgren bubble inside a uniform box. Note that this test only works if you compiled the code with HDF5 support (none of the benchmark tests will work without HDF5).

Open build folder/rundir/benchmarks/stromgren/ from the command line. In a clean CMacIonize build, this folder should contain three files: the parameter file stromgren.param, an analysis script, and a text file stromgren.txt containing some more information about the test. Assuming the CMacIonize executable is in its default location, you can run the benchmark test using

../../CMacIonize --params stromgren.param --threads <number of parallel threads>

You can omit the --threads parameter to run using a single thread. On a fairly recent desktop or laptop, this test should take under a minute using 4 parallel threads.

At the end of the run, a number of additional files should have been created: two snapshot files stromgren_000.hdf5 and stromgren_020.hdf5, and a file stromgren.param.used-values that contains the parameter values that were actually used by the code (including parameters for which default values were used).

To check that the run produced the expected result, run the analysis script (this requires Python, numpy, scipy, matplotlib and h5py). This script will generate a radial neutral fraction profile for both snapshot files and also plot the expected radius of the Strömgren sphere. If all went well, the second snapshot should reproduce the expected radius reasonably well.

Further reading

Now that you have set up the code and run your first example, you can start using the code for more advanced applications. Some topics are covered in the next tutorials.

The code also ships with an extensive in-line documentation that can be turned into a documentation web page if you have Doxygen installed on your system. In this case, CMake should automatically detect the doxygen executable and will enable

make doc

This command generates the documentation web page under build folder/doc/html. You can read this documentation by loading build folder/doc/html/index.html in a browser. A recent but not necessarily up-to-date version of the Doxygen documentation is maintained on